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December 12, 2021 3 min read 0 Comments

Everyone has experienced bad breath at one time or another. Bad breath can also be called halitosis. Bad breath can be caused by a health condition, such as bad teeth or gum disease. Bad breath can be temporary or chronic. According to the American Dental Association at least 50% of adults have experienced halitosis during their lifetime.

You may notice a bad taste or smell in your mouth. It is possible that the bad taste in your mouth is not due to food particles trapped in your mouth. Bacteria is responsible for the breakdown of food particles stuck in your teeth and mouth. Bad odor is caused by bacteria and decaying foods in your mouth. Regular brushing and flossing can remove trapped food before it begins to decay.

Other Reasons for Bad Breath


  • Bad breath can also be a problem when you wear dentures, and don't clean your teeth every night. Your stomach absorbs oil from foods that have strong odors like garlic and onions. These oils travel to your lungs and get into your bloodstream. It can cause a bad odor in your breath that can be detected by others for up to 72 hours. Bad breath can also be caused by drinking strong odors like coffee.


  • Cigars and smoking cigarettes can leave behind a bad odor in your mouth that can lead to a worse breath. Dry mouth may also occur if there isn't enough saliva. Saliva keeps your mouth clean and helps reduce odor. Dry mouth can cause problems if you have a condition called the salivary glands.
bad breath from smoking


  • Plaque buildup can lead to cavities and periodontal diseases. If you don't get rid of plaque quickly, periodontal disease (or gum disease) can occur. Brushing can remove plaque which is a sticky substance that builds-up on your teeth and causes odor. Plaque can harden over time and become tartar. Tartar is not easily removed by brushing and trying to do so will irritate your gums. Pockets (or small openings) may form from tartar in the space between your teeth and your gums. The pockets can become stale from bacteria, food, and even dental plaque. This can lead to a strong odor.


  • Bad breath can also come from tonsil stones which collect bacteria.

The dentist will examine your mouth and ask questions. You may be recommended to schedule an appointment in the morning before you brush your teeth. Questions about how often you floss and what foods you eat will be answered. You should tell your doctor about how often you snore and what medications you are taking, as well as when it started. Your dental professional will examine your mouth, nose and tongue to find out the cause of bad breath. Your dentist will recommend you see your family doctor if the odor is not coming from your mouth or teeth. A dental cleaning can solve your problem if you have bad breath due to plaque buildup. If you have periodontal disease, a deep cleaning of your teeth may be required.

The treatment of underlying medical conditions such as sinus infections or kidney disease can help to improve breath odor. If your problem is caused by dry or dry mouth, your dentist might recommend you use an artificial saliva product.

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